You make the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome in a very tall 22 year old man with long, thin extremities.
1) What other finding is associated with this disease?
A) Family history in 100%of the patients.
B) Upward sublaxation of the lenses.
C) Mental retardation.
D) Malar rash.
E) Increased length of trunk compared with the limbs.
2) The major cause of morbidity and mortality is cardiac. Which of the following is a common complication?
A) Pulmonary stenosis.
B) Ventricular septal defect.
C) Pulmonary hypertension.
D) Aortic root dilatation.
E) Coronary artery disease.
3) Which of the following is the best way to monitor these patients for cardiovascular changes?
C) Angiography.
D) Pulmonary function tests.
E) Echocardiography.